I am working on making my site international and I want to be able to have the country code and language code in my base url.
If I create separate config files per different country and set the base url to include the country code, what would the name of the config file be? I tried this and I belive Hugo is expecting the language code in the name of the config file.
Languages is defined inside ONE config file (you can supply more than one config file, but they are all merged).
The key in the language definition (which will match any translations in /i18n) is expected to be a language code, but can be anything – but I doubt it will work with “us/en”, but you can try.
I don’t want to derail the thread here but: wow ! It is not mentioned in the doc and could be a big game changer to add layers of configuration for specific env on top of a common default configuration. Can you point me to a commit related to this so I can learn more ?