hello to all,
it’s been a while since I put my hands in Hugo and already 0.79! anyway
I have an image gallery on a multilingual site, the code I was using worked well on “mono lang”, but I have some problems in multilingual.
My content folder looks like this
/images/photo *.jpg
my images folder looks like this
/images/photo/*.jpg index.md
in layout/index.html
I have this to call up all the images
{{ range $page := sort (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "images") ".File.Dir" }}
{{ range $index, $image := sort ($page.Resources.ByType "image") "Params.order" }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "thumbnail" ($image.Resize "x750") }}
<img loading="lazy" class="lazy" src="{{ ($.Scratch.Get "thumbnail").RelPermalink }}" alt="Thumbnail of {{ $image.Name }}"/>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
If I move my images folder to /en I see them in my English home but not in my /en or /es folders.
If I put it at the root, none of the homepages have access to it, which is normal according to the doc.
I guess that’s where the error comes from, but I couldn’t solve it right away.
{{ range $page := sort (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "images") ".File.Dir" }}
Thank you for your time