Multi-level blocks

Id like to be able to have multiple levels of nested templates.

I have my _default/baseof.html for the site which has a “main” block… all well and good. However I’m building out my sections and I’m encountering a lot of repetition.

For each section, I have the following in section/list.html:

{{ define "main" }}
  <section class="container my-2" style="max-width: 700px !important">principles/list</section>
  <section class="container my-2" style="max-width: 700px !important"><!-- headline -->{{ partial "infrastructure/breadcrumbs.html" . }}</section>
  {{ partial "headline.html" . }}
  <section class="container my-5">
    <h2 title="title?">title</h2>
      Thig àm nuair a dh’fhalbhas an t-acras agus thèid an t-uisge a-mach air an talamh. Bidh a h-uile càil air a chùlaibh, agus seasaidh an latha ri teachd mar theine ann an adhar gorm. Cumaidh iad suas an sgàil agus cuiridh iad air falbh an t-eagal a
      bh’ aca, oir chan eil dòigh air faighinn air ais an t-àm a chaidh seachad. Cuiridh iad an aire air adhart gu coilltean mòra agus sruthan glan, a’ sireadh sìth an cois an nàdur.
    {{ partial "cards-section.html" (dict "context" . "SectionName" "principles") }}
  {{ partial "connect.html" . }}
  {{ partial "our-customers.html" . }}
{{ end }}

The html section with the “title” is the only difference for these high-level section pages as I store the rest of the differences in the front matter.

What I would like to do is have a template that inherits from _default/baseof.html and implements:

{{ define "main" }}
  <section class="container my-2" style="max-width: 700px !important">principles/list</section>
  <section class="container my-2" style="max-width: 700px !important"><!-- headline -->{{ partial "infrastructure/breadcrumbs.html" . }}</section>
  {{ partial "headline.html" . }}
 {{ block "weeBit" . }}{{ end }}
  {{ partial "connect.html" . }}
  {{ partial "our-customers.html" . }}
{{ end }}

This way my section/list.html would only need to have:

{{ define "weeBit" }}
  <section class="container my-5">
    <h2 title="title?">title</h2>
      Thig àm nuair a dh’fhalbhas an t-acras agus thèid an t-uisge a-mach air an talamh. Bidh a h-uile càil air a chùlaibh, agus seasaidh an latha ri teachd mar theine ann an adhar gorm. Cumaidh iad suas an sgàil agus cuiridh iad air falbh an t-eagal a
      bh’ aca, oir chan eil dòigh air faighinn air ais an t-àm a chaidh seachad. Cuiridh iad an aire air adhart gu coilltean mòra agus sruthan glan, a’ sireadh sìth an cois an nàdur.
    {{ partial "cards-section.html" (dict "context" . "SectionName" "principles") }}
{{ end }}

I’m just not sure I understand how to do this…

GitRepo: nkdAgility/ at topic/17-develop-list-pages (

Sorry, there’s nu such thing as layout inheritance or nested blocks with Hugo. But you have multiple possibilities to achive what you want.

  • you could define the common parts in baseof.html and reduce the main block to your variable content. (or to partials included in baseof.

    you may have a dedicated baseof.html for various page kinds,… see Section templates | Hugo and Template lookup order | Hugo. If that is for all your sections, layouts/_default/section.html might be sufficient.

  • you could create a “weeBit” partial with some logic to decide about the content (if/else,) by section name or .IsSection

you may also want to extract your content to _index.html

{{ define "weeBit" }}
  <section class="container my-5">
    {{ .Content }}
    {{ partial "cards-section.html" (dict "context" . "SectionName" "principles") }}
{{ end }}
## myTitle

Thig àm nuair a dh’fhalbhas an t-acras agus thèid an t-uisge a-mach air an talamh. Bidh a h-uile càil air a chùlaibh, agus seasaidh an latha ri teachd mar theine ann an adhar gorm. Cumaidh iad suas an sgàil agus cuiridh iad air falbh an t-eagal abh’ aca, oir chan eil dòigh air faighinn air ais an t-àm a chaidh seachad. Cuiridh iad an aire air adhart gu coilltean mòra agus sruthan glan, a’ sireadh sìth an cois an nàdur.