Id like to be able to have multiple levels of nested templates.
I have my _default/baseof.html for the site which has a “main” block… all well and good. However I’m building out my sections and I’m encountering a lot of repetition.
For each section, I have the following in section/list.html:
{{ define "main" }}
<section class="container my-2" style="max-width: 700px !important">principles/list</section>
<section class="container my-2" style="max-width: 700px !important"><!-- headline -->{{ partial "infrastructure/breadcrumbs.html" . }}</section>
{{ partial "headline.html" . }}
<section class="container my-5">
<h2 title="title?">title</h2>
Thig àm nuair a dh’fhalbhas an t-acras agus thèid an t-uisge a-mach air an talamh. Bidh a h-uile càil air a chùlaibh, agus seasaidh an latha ri teachd mar theine ann an adhar gorm. Cumaidh iad suas an sgàil agus cuiridh iad air falbh an t-eagal a
bh’ aca, oir chan eil dòigh air faighinn air ais an t-àm a chaidh seachad. Cuiridh iad an aire air adhart gu coilltean mòra agus sruthan glan, a’ sireadh sìth an cois an nàdur.
{{ partial "cards-section.html" (dict "context" . "SectionName" "principles") }}
{{ partial "connect.html" . }}
{{ partial "our-customers.html" . }}
{{ end }}
The html section with the “title” is the only difference for these high-level section pages as I store the rest of the differences in the front matter.
What I would like to do is have a template that inherits from _default/baseof.html and implements:
This way my section/list.html would only need to have:
{{ define "weeBit" }}
<section class="container my-5">
<h2 title="title?">title</h2>
Thig àm nuair a dh’fhalbhas an t-acras agus thèid an t-uisge a-mach air an talamh. Bidh a h-uile càil air a chùlaibh, agus seasaidh an latha ri teachd mar theine ann an adhar gorm. Cumaidh iad suas an sgàil agus cuiridh iad air falbh an t-eagal a
bh’ aca, oir chan eil dòigh air faighinn air ais an t-àm a chaidh seachad. Cuiridh iad an aire air adhart gu coilltean mòra agus sruthan glan, a’ sireadh sìth an cois an nàdur.
{{ partial "cards-section.html" (dict "context" . "SectionName" "principles") }}
{{ end }}
Sorry, there’s nu such thing as layout inheritance or nested blocks with Hugo. But you have multiple possibilities to achive what you want.
you could define the common parts in baseof.html and reduce the main block to your variable content. (or to partials included in baseof.
you may have a dedicated baseof.html for various page kinds,… see Section templates | Hugo and Template lookup order | Hugo. If that is for all your sections, layouts/_default/section.html might be sufficient.
you could create a “weeBit” partial with some logic to decide about the content (if/else,) by section name or .IsSection
you may also want to extract your content to _index.html
## myTitle
Thig àm nuair a dh’fhalbhas an t-acras agus thèid an t-uisge a-mach air an talamh. Bidh a h-uile càil air a chùlaibh, agus seasaidh an latha ri teachd mar theine ann an adhar gorm. Cumaidh iad suas an sgàil agus cuiridh iad air falbh an t-eagal abh’ aca, oir chan eil dòigh air faighinn air ais an t-àm a chaidh seachad. Cuiridh iad an aire air adhart gu coilltean mòra agus sruthan glan, a’ sireadh sìth an cois an nàdur.