Multi-language v0.36 no longer building content pages – why?

UPDATE: Here is the resolution to this post: [solved] Multi Language site not building content

Hugo v0.36 isn’t creating pages from my content folder on a multi-language site after the update from 0.31 -> 0.36

Has something changed? I can’t for the life of me get any of my posts / pages to exist anymore. Everything is bringing back a page that says “Cannot find 404”

Content folder contains files:

When I run hugo or hugo server or hugo --buildEverything, no content created:

Here’s my config with the URL omitted

baseURL                         = ""
relativeurls                   = true
defaultContentLanguage         = "pl"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true


  languageName = "english"
  weight = 3
  title = "something"

  url = "/en/about"
  name = "About"
  weight = 0

  url = "/en/offer"
  name = "Offer"
  weight = 10

  url = "/en/pricelist"
  name = "Price list"
  weight = 20

  url = "/en/regulations"
  name = "Regulations"
  weight = 30


  languageName = "norsk"
  weight = 2
  title = "something"

  url = "/no/om-meg"
  name = "Om meg"
  weight = 0

  url = "/no/tilbud"
  name = "Tilbud"
  weight = 10

  url = "/no/prisliste"
  name = "Prisliste"
  weight = 20

  url = "/no/forskrifter"
  name = "Forskrifter"
  weight = 30


  languageName = "français"
  weight = 4
  title = "something"

  url = "/fr/a-propos-de-moi"
  name = "À propos de moi"
  weight = 0

  url = "/fr/offre"
  name = "Offre"
  weight = 10

  url = "/fr/tarifs"
  name = "Tarifs"
  weight = 20

  url = "/fr/reglement"
  name = "Règlement"
  weight = 30


  languageName = "polsk"
  weight = 1
  title = "something"

  url = "/pl/o-mnie"
  name = "O mnie"
  weight = 0

  url = "/pl/oferta"
  name = "Oferta"
  weight = 10

  url = "/pl/cennik"
  name = "Cennik"
  weight = 20

  url = "/pl/regulamin"
  name = "Regulamin"
  weight = 30

Have you read the “notes” section of the release notes?

If you’re referring to this,, then yes, --gc doesn’t seem to do anything different:

                   | PL | NO | EN | FR
  Pages            | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10
  Paginator pages  |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0
  Non-page files   |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0
  Static files     | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20
  Processed images |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0
  Aliases          |  1 |  1 |  1 |  1
  Sitemaps         |  2 |  1 |  1 |  1
  Cleaned          |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0

No, I’m talking about the “note section” of the release notes of the 5 versions from 0.31 to 0.36.

Ok, I’ve just the reading for all the versions since v0.31.1. There are a few mentions where the languages have been updated or affected, but there’s nothing about the way content is built, how the config could have been affected or any information stating a notable difference in the way Hugo parses the languages.

What can I do to help diagnose such madness?

You can start by stop using such words to describe the work of others.

What you experience is clearly described in the release notes, and it has been widely discussed on this forum. Use the search.