I’m currently learning Hugo and I started by converting a simple jekyll theme.
I wanted to enable TeX rendering using KaTeX and using the mmark processor. The katex script is included and I add this piece of script to run KaTeX over the math elements generated by mmark.
var tex = $(this).text();
return "<span class=\"inline-equation\">" +
katex.renderToString(tex) +
with mmark, $$ E = mc^2 $$
is rendered to <span class='math'>\( E = mc^2
)which is (if I'm informed correctly) not even proper MathJax syntax but rather MathJS?. Katex is also unable to render that inner HTML, because of the the delimiters
Is there a way to configure how the math is rendered or does somebody know another a workaround? loads of the docs and blog posts around usign mmark + katex seem outdated…
Apparently KaTeX’s auto-renderer can render the math client side but I’d like to keep my theme efficient and only render what’s necessary.