I am looking for a way to have taxonomies on a per-content bases. This used to be possible as a hack, for a single content type, by including a slash in the taxonomy value. This would create the taxonomy under any URL structure desired; and by limiting the taxonomy to a single content type would give the look of per-content taxonomies.
My ask is less about segmenting tagged content and more about preserving the URL from my existing structure. For example if I used different tag name for my blog post than for my page posts I would end up with the following.
With [permalinks] in the config file you can define the directories / path. ptag = "/blog/tag/:title"
In my index files I defined different layout pages to go around naming collisions.
In the frontmatter for the top tag pages you should set url= and layout=
You used a bug aka hack in the old hugo version - this is never a good way.
I had a brief moment this morning to test this out, and I think that the taxonomy, with custom permalink, and creating a manual list page will work for me. I’ll give it a full rigorous test and update the thread on my config.