Match taxonomy paths to former blog pattern

I am looking for a way to have taxonomies on a per-content bases. This used to be possible as a hack, for a single content type, by including a slash in the taxonomy value. This would create the taxonomy under any URL structure desired; and by limiting the taxonomy to a single content type would give the look of per-content taxonomies.

This hack was “fixed” in 0.48:

I am looking to save my URL structure from previous blog engines. And not have other content from the overall site included in these pages.

Overview page:
Specific Tag page:

My current fix is to rollback to Hugo 0.47, but this is not a long term solution.

Is this something that could be achieved in another way?


My ask is less about segmenting tagged content and more about preserving the URL from my existing structure. For example if I used different tag name for my blog post than for my page posts I would end up with the following.

When what I want is

Taxonomies are global, and their URL to their index page is rooted at the site root. I want a taxonomy that is rooted at /blog

Edit: to clarify I am also looking for individual tags, not just an index page for all tags:

Nope. I recommend a different system, or setting up redirects and using a different structure moving forward.

Or! Run a separate site for your blog. I mean, do the blog tags show up anywhere else? Good luck! :slight_smile:

With [permalinks] in the config file you can define the directories / path.
ptag = "/blog/tag/:title"

In my index files I defined different layout pages to go around naming collisions.
In the frontmatter for the top tag pages you should set url= and layout=

You used a bug aka hack in the old hugo version - this is never a good way.

Even with those permalink patterns, it won’t produce a taxonomy list page at, which is the primary issue. :slight_smile:

you need a own list page under layout/tag ex. layout/list/tags.html
This can be a customized version of a list page.

Unter content/tag create with layout = "tags" to use tags.html

I had a brief moment this morning to test this out, and I think that the taxonomy, with custom permalink, and creating a manual list page will work for me. I’ll give it a full rigorous test and update the thread on my config.

Thank you everyone.