markup.goldmark.renderer.hardWraps not working

      hardWraps = true

When I set this I get no <br>s, even if I add some empty lines and also when I try to add 2 spaces at the end of each empty line.

What am I missing to make this work? It makes no difference if I add also unsafe: true.


baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Test Site"

This markdown:

This line has 2 spaces after the period.  
This line has nothing after the period.
This line has a backslash after the period.\
This line has nothing after the period.
This line has nothing after the period.

Produces this HTML:

This line has 2 spaces after the period.<br>
This line has nothing after the period.
This line has a backslash after the period.<br>
This line has nothing after the period.
This line has nothing after the period.

If I add this to config.toml

hardWraps = true

The same markup produces this HTML:

This line has 2 spaces after the period.<br>
This line has nothing after the period.<br>
This line has a backslash after the period.<br>
This line has nothing after the period.<br>
This line has nothing after the period.

I’m not sure what you’re doing differently. Perhaps your editor is configured to strip trailing spaces from each line upon save.


No, my IDE (VSCode) does not remove any whitespace on save.

I wanted this:

some line

some line

to become

some line
some line

But it seems this does not work.

So I guess the only option is the unsafe config plus to add <br> manually? A bit overcomplicated but ok.

You could setup your IDE to NOT remove whitespace in markdown files. Mine (IntelliJ) can do that :wink:

Other than that: adding three br’s looks a lot like you are trying to add a bottom margin to something. That is task of the “display” part of your website and this is done in CSS. Quite easy with margin-bottom: 1rem; for instance (change the 1rem).

Please see my earlier example.

The CommonMark specification allows you to insert hard breaks with either (a) two or more spaces at the end of a line, or (b) a blackslash (\). Spaces at the beginning of a line are ignored.

This markdown:


Produces this HTML:


I already tried this (with hugo server -D), no difference with Hugo 0.79 on my side. My IDE does not change anything.

My IDE does not remove any whitespace :wink:
Not exactly, I just need one more line break in a longer article to get a bit more space and improve the readability.

Try this:

git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-32049 hugo-forum-topic-32049
cd hugo-forum-topic-32049
hugo server

Thanks, "\" definitely works, but " " (two spaces) doesn’t:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-30 um 19.19.52

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-30 um 19.19.15

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-30 um 19.20.21

Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-30 um 19.20.33

fyi, I have updated to Hugo 0.82 and the results are like in the screenshots.

hugo config yields:

baseurl = ""
builddrafts = false
buildexpired = false
buildfuture = false
cachedir = "/var/folders/60/r5b76ddd5m110ngbjxpbggq40000gn/T/hugo_cache/"
canonifyurls = false
cleandestinationdir = false
debug = false
defaultcontentlanguage = "en"
defaultcontentlanguageinsubdir = false
disablealiases = false
disablefastrender = false
disablelivereload = false
disablepathtolower = false
enableemoji = false
enablegitinfo = false
enableinlineshortcodes = false
enablemissingtranslationplaceholders = false
environment = "production"
footnoteanchorprefix = ""
footnotereturnlinkcontents = ""
forcesyncstatic = false
hascjklanguage = false
ignorecache = false
ignorefiles = []
indexes = map[category:categories tag:tags]
languagecode = "en-us"
newcontenteditor = ""
paginate = 10
paginatepath = "page"
permalinks = map[]
pluralizelisttitles = true
publishdir = "public"
pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = false
relativeurls = false
removepathaccents = false
resourcedir = "resources"
rsslimit = -1
sectionpagesmenu = ""
sitemap = {ChangeFreq: Priority:-1 Filename:sitemap.xml}
summarylength = 70
taxonomies = map[category:categories tag:tags]
themesdir = "themes"
timeout = "30s"
title = "Hugo Forum Topic #32049"
titlecasestyle = "AP"
uglyurls = false
verbose = false
watch = false
workingdir = "/Users/danielruf/projects/hugo-forum-topic-32049"

hugo version yields:

hugo v0.82.0+extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate=unknown

This is a convenient way to test your markdown.

1 Like

Ok, thanks. But it seems this is very buggy, at least commonmark does the same.

Even LaTeX does it better =)
Is there some repo to report this flaw in the commonmark specification? Because to me, this makes no sense at all.

I guess it is better to add a custom class, pure HTML (that’s something that I want to avoid) or do some other magic trick.

I found Issues · commonmark/commonmark-spec · GitHub, I will clarify this there. Thanks for your helpful input so far.

My final solution is now to create a custom raw-html shortcode which contains only {{ .Inner }} that I use like this: {{< raw-html >}}<br>{{< / raw-html >}}

If you need to do this frequently…

This markdown:

{{< br >}}
# Title
{{< br 3 >}}

Produces this HTML:

<h1 id="title">Title</h1>


{{- $msg := "The optional argument passed to the %s shortcode must be an integer greater than or equal to zero. See %s" -}}
{{- if ne 0 (.Get 0) -}}
  {{- with .Get 0 -}}
    {{- if eq (printf "%T" .) "int" -}}
      {{- if lt . 0 -}}
        {{- errorf $msg $.Name $.Position -}}
      {{- else -}}
        {{- range seq 1 . -}}
        {{- end -}}
      {{- end -}}
    {{- else -}}
      {{- errorf $msg $.Name $.Position -}}
    {{- end -}}
  {{- else -}}
  {{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
1 Like

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