Short version: Are there changes in how the markdown is interpreted between v131 and v136.5?
I have a site that when I switch from v131 to c136.5, I get a different appearance for my site.
One specific problem (this is the one that caught my eye, there may be others) is that v136.5 places paragraph (<p>) tags in places where v131 didn’t.
Are there recent changes that cause the ways Markdown to be interpretted to change? My fear is that while I notice this one difference, there are other changes that are causing other problems (and I don’t have a good way to do regression testing). I admit to not always reading all of the change logs carefully…
At this point, I am not asking for specific help for the specific problem. I haven’t been able to create a minimal viable demonstration of the specific problem (it requires a complex set of themes and overlays and data), and I have not yet tried to do any bisection to find when the breaking change happened (I leaped from 131 to 136.5). I will probably ask for specific help once I have narrowed the problem.
(I am removing the example - because it turns out it made no sense without context - to the point where I think I had shown code from the wrong template! There are differences in appearance between v131 and v136.5 - which is the bigger problem for me)
We also changed how the summaryLength site configuration option works. We used to truncate to the nearest sentence, now we truncated to the nearest paragraph.
I had just narrowed it down to that. (that it was a problem with .Summary)
Is there a way to do {{ .Summary }} that gets rid of the <p> tags? If not, I’ll just need to get used to a bit of ugliness in my site. But, on the long shot that there’s an easy way to do something like {{ .Summary | remove-enclosing-p-tag }}…
Probably, the real answer is just “accept the difference in appearance on the site”.
Personally, I don’t like automatic summaries, because the first N paragraphs of content are rarely a summary. I prefer to explicitly define the summary in front matter:
title = 'Post 1'
date = 2024-10-30T12:56:24-07:00
draft = false
summary = "foo"
There are three somewhat related concepts: summary, description (typically used in head metadata), and teaser. In my view they are very different things.
I totally agree that summary/lead in/teaser/… are different (in terms of the intent and propert design/content).
This is a very specialized application where the first paragraph is explicitly written to serve as a special kind of summary (to be more precise - the whole point of the page is to look good in the summary).
Plainify will work for me in this case.
Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it. I am always amazed by how the community is able to support me! (I need to give more back).