Looking for simplified Hugo tutorial

I’m finding myself stuck, don’t know how to go well with Hugo. I’m not finding any simplified tutorial written for non-techie person.

I’m able to install it on Windows, but failed to execute its command, I wish if somebody could write its abc to xyz tutorial in simple and nice way.

Hello @automatic,

a step that most people forget is to add programs (e.g. Hugo) to the PATH environment variable. Here’s a quick intro if you’re not familiar with environemnt variables:

When you are using commands in the terminal you usually execute a binary with the same name. But how does Windows know where this binary can be found?

This is the point where we need to reference the Hugo binary in the PATH environment variable. The variable contains the path to all binaries that can be executed in a terminal. Now we need to add the path to the Hugo binary if you want to execute it in the terminal.

I’ve found this tutorial that describes how to add a path. Note that all paths are seperated by a semicolon. Don’t forget it.

Open a fresh terminal (new window) and try to execute hugo version. Now you should see the version of Hugo that you’re using.

For a quick introduction watch this video to get familar with the basics:

Thank you ! I changed the path and ran few commands.

I think, I need to study more. If you could find more tutorials for beginners like me, I’d appreciate.

Since I knew this “Hugo,” its awesome speed is just mind-blowing.

The documentation of Hugo already contains some tutorials. Other users wrote blog articles that are collected here.

Otherwise browse the docs if you want to learn more. Finding a tutorial also depends on your actual questions. If you’ve one, visit the corresponding sections in the docs or use the search of the forum. There might be some other people who asked the same questions. But feel free to ask.


Could you write down a list of issues and questions that you had? It would help those of us that write the tutorials and examples. Sometimes it is hard for us to remember what it was like starting out.

Pls give me some time. I’ll come back with a list of questions.


I know nothing about codes, I can just read and type — Instructions to me with this understanding may help others too, installing and using Hugo, who know nothing about codes.

Project #RunHugo

Here I start a project “#RunHugo” — Its purpose is to mastering Hugo on Windows PC, then using it on server ( i.e., Bluehost, Hostgator, Dreamhost, etc.)

Step 1: Installing on Windows 8

a) Downloaded Hugo https://github.com/spf13/hugo/releases as per 32 or 64 Windows version.
b) I placed on E drive, like, E:\Hugo, and within created two folders, “bin,” and “Sites.”
c) Within “bin” that is, E:\Hugo\bin, renamed “hugo_0.15_windows_386.exe” file to “hugo.exe.”
d) Moved curser to bottom left of the desktop, right click > system > advanced system settings > environment variables > system variable > click on path > click on “edit” > without removing anything I just added “;E:\Hugo\bin” that is path for Hugo exe > ok and close.
e) ctrl+r > type “cmd” for command prompt > on cmd, type “hugo help” > wow! lots of information is available.

Step 2: Creating a website: example.com

a) on cmd, I see, C:\Users\admin>
b) I want to make my website “example.com” on E:\Hugo\sites.
c) I type on cmd, C:\Users\admin> E: (hit Enter)
d) E:> cd Hugo (hit Enter)
e) E:\Hugo> cd Sites (hit Enter)
f) E:\Hugo\Sites>
g) Now I want to create my site “example.com” so there is a command to run: hugo new site site_name
h) E:\Hugo\Sites> hugo new site example.com (hit Enter)
i) Now I move to the “Sites” folder, within it “example.com” folder is created, and inside it five folders and one file (from archetypes …to…config.toml).

Step 3: Creating a page with title “about” ;and a post with title “I’m learning Hugo.” And adding a paragraph to each of them.

Pls. help me how to do that?

Creating a new post is very simple. By Assuming that you are in the root directory of your website run:

hugo new post/hello-world.md

Now, you should find a new file under content/post/ named hello-world.md. The filename becomes the page title by default. Open this file and add some content and metadata in the frontmatter if you like.

In the next step, we need a theme to render our posts. The video I linked above shows the basics of the current setup. Otherwise, follow the intructions of the [thems repository].

Clone one or more themes into the themes directory. In the config.toml set the theme name (aka folder name) to the one that should be used. For example:

You have downloaded/cloned the Hyde theme. It’s files can be found at themes/hyde/. Now open the config.toml and set the theme to:

theme = "hyde"