N.B. This approach has been superseded by the time.Format
template function.
See https://gohugo.io/functions/time/format/#localization
At some point Hugo will probably be able to localize date and time. In the interim, you can use a combination of configuration, translation, and a partial. Here’s an example for a site with english and spanish content.
weight = 1
long = "Monday, January 2, 2006"
short = "1/2/06"
long = "3:04:05 PM"
short = "3:04 PM"
long = "Monday, January 2, 2006 3:04:05 PM"
short = "1/2/06 3:04 PM"
weight = 2
long = "el Monday 2 de January de 2006"
short = "2/1/06"
long = "3:04:05 PM"
short = "3:04 PM"
long = "el Monday 2 de January de 2006 3:04:05 PM"
short = "2/1/06 3:04 PM"
1 = "January"
2 = "February"
3 = "March"
4 = "April"
5 = "May"
6 = "June"
7 = "July"
8 = "August"
9 = "September"
10 = "October"
11 = "November"
12 = "December"
1 = "Jan"
2 = "Feb"
3 = "Mar"
4 = "Apr"
5 = "May"
6 = "Jun"
7 = "Jul"
8 = "Aug"
9 = "Sep"
10 = "Oct"
11 = "Nov"
12 = "Dec"
0 = "Sunday"
1 = "Monday"
2 = "Tuesday"
3 = "Wednesday"
4 = "Thursday"
5 = "Friday"
6 = "Saturday"
0 = "Sun"
1 = "Mon"
2 = "Tue"
3 = "Wed"
4 = "Thu"
5 = "Fri"
6 = "Sat"
1 = "enero"
2 = "febrero"
3 = "marzo"
4 = "abril"
5 = "mayo"
6 = "junio"
7 = "julio"
8 = "agosto"
9 = "septiembre"
10 = "octubre"
11 = "noviembre"
12 = "diciembre"
1 = "enero"
2 = "feb"
3 = "marzo"
4 = "abr"
5 = "mayo"
6 = "jun"
7 = "jul"
8 = "agosto"
9 = "set"
10 = "oct"
11 = "nov"
12 = "dic"
0 = "domingo"
1 = "lunes"
2 = "martes"
3 = "miércoles"
4 = "jueves"
5 = "viernes"
6 = "sábado"
0 = "D"
1 = "L"
2 = "M"
3 = "X"
4 = "J"
5 = "V"
6 = "S"
{{ $ns := "functions" }}
{{ $partial := "localize-date.html" }}
{{ $pre := printf "[partial: %s/%s]" $ns $partial }}
{{ $msg1 := printf "%s Invalid date." $pre }}
{{ $msg2 := printf "%s Missing date." $pre }}
{{ $msg3 := printf "%s Invalid format." $pre }}
{{ $msg4 := printf "%s Missing format." $pre }}
{{ $date := "" }}
{{ with .date }}
{{ if eq (printf "%T" .) "time.Time" }}
{{ $date = . }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf $msg1 }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf $msg2 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $format := "" }}
{{ with .format }}
{{ if eq (printf "%T" .) "string" }}
{{ $format = . }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf $msg3 }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ errorf $msg4 }}
{{ end }}
{{ $monthFormat := "" }}
{{ if in $format "January" }}
{{ $monthFormat = "long" }}
{{ else if in $format "Jan" }}
{{ $monthFormat = "short" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $weekdayFormat := "" }}
{{ if in $format "Monday" }}
{{ $weekdayFormat = "long" }}
{{ else if in $format "Mon" }}
{{ $weekdayFormat = "short" }}
{{ end }}
{{ $dateFormatted := $date.Format $format }}
{{ with $monthFormat }}
{{ $monthT := i18n (printf "date.month.%s.%d" $monthFormat $date.Month) }}
{{ if eq . "long" }}
{{ $dateFormatted = replaceRE `January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December` $monthT $dateFormatted }}
{{ else }}
{{ $dateFormatted = replaceRE `Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec` $monthT $dateFormatted }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $weekdayFormat }}
{{ $weekdayT := i18n (printf "date.weekday.%s.%d" $weekdayFormat $date.Weekday) }}
{{ if eq . "long" }}
{{ $dateFormatted = replaceRE `Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday` $weekdayT $dateFormatted }}
{{ else }}
{{ $dateFormatted = replaceRE `Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun` $weekdayT $dateFormatted }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $dateFormatted }}
Example usage within a template:
{{ partial "functions/localize-date" (dict "date" .Date "format" site.Params.formats.datetime.long) }}
Given date = 2021-02-26T05:22:00-07:00
in frontmatter, this will be rendered as:
Language | Value |
en | Friday, February 26, 2021 5:22:00 AM |
es | el viernes 26 de febrero de 2021 5:22:00 AM |
Try it:
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-33995 https://github.com/jmooring/hugo-testing hugo-forum-topic-33995
cd hugo-forum-topic-33995
hugo server
Then visit: