Trying to figure out why my date/time format doesn’t show localized date times. I have used the right locale I believe: Here is my config/languages/ and my page calling the date time respectively. I have tried both uppercase and lowercase using the list here : Hugo Locales
The languageCode is currently used in two places only: the internal RSS template, and the internal alias template (as of this morning). If you are using a theme developed by a third party, it may be used other places as well. But languageCode is not used as a key for either translation or localization.
I looked at your example, and I don’t know where to begin. Instead, how about looking at this working example, and then you can figure out what’s different…
git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-37575 hugo-forum-topic-37575
cd hugo-forum-topic-37575
hugo server