littlefoot is a nice way to support nice popup footnotes. It’s a successor to bigfoot. To use it in Hugo, add the following somewhere at the bottom of your template. In markdown content, apply footnotes with the normal syntax.
I’ve been using this for a while and do recommend it – however I’ve noticed that the CDN seemed to be kind of a bottleneck for my site’s performance, so I recommend downloading and hosting it yourself.
Hi there. I’m using the Academic theme, which uses Goldmark by default. I added the relevant CSS and JS scripts lines but when I add a new footnote with the default syntax[^1] littlefoot is not working.
[^1]: An example of a footnote
I guess the normal syntax depends on anything else?
Nevermind. I was wrongly overriding one of the templates of my theme. Now it’s working although I’m having an issue with the CSS styling (conflicts with Academic).