List section pages grouped by tags

I have the following content structure:

├─ dsa/
│  ├─
│  ├─ has the following contents:

#+TITLE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
#+TAGS[]: string dp done has the following contents:

#+TITLE: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
#+TAGS[]: array dp backtracking


I have created a list page for listing these pages, but I’d like to combine them under same tags. For example:


Q1_title array dp
Q2_title array


Q1_title array dp
Q4_title dp


Q3_title ll
… and so on.

I found GroupByParam and other groub by functions, but could not get it to work on tags.

I need to list tags only under this section, there are other tags in the site which I do not want listed here.

Is this possible natively? Even hacky solutions are welcome :smile:

Have a look at the .Site.Taxonomies collection.

Here’s an example, the ellipsis denoting the existence of many more .Page properties:

  "categories": {
    "category-a": [
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/post/post-01/",
          "Title": "Post 01",
          "Section": "post"
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/article/article-4/",
          "Title": "Article 4",
          "Section": "article"
    "category-b": [
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/post/post-01/",
          "Title": "Post 01",
          "Section": "post"
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/article/article-2/",
          "Title": "Article 2",
          "Section": "article"
  "tags": {
    "tag-a": [
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/post/post-01/",
          "Title": "Post 01",
          "Section": "post"
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/article/article-2/",
          "Title": "Article 2",
          "Section": "article"
    "tag-b": [
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/post/post-01/",
          "Title": "Post 01",
          "Section": "post"
        "Weight": 0,
        "Page": {
          "RelPermalink": "/article/article-2/",
          "Title": "Article 2",
          "Section": "article"

We want to select the “tags” taxonomy, range through the terms, and within each term range through the weighted pages that exist in a given section.

For example:

{{ $taxonomy := "tags" }}
{{ $section := "post" }}
{{ range $term, $weightedPages := index site.Taxonomies $taxonomy }}
  {{ $termPage := site.GetPage (printf "%s/%s" $taxonomy $term) }}
    <a href="{{ $termPage.RelPermalink }}">{{ $termPage.LinkTitle }}</a>
    {{ range where $weightedPages "Page.Section" $section }}
        <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Hi! Thank you for the reply. I had looked at this earlier, but I don’t want this.
I want something like this:

Tag 1

  • some post of tag 1
  • another post of tag 1

Tag 2

  • some post of tag 2
  • some post of tag 1 (post had both tag 1 and tag 2)

I do not want to list all tags from the site, just the ones in the current section.
Thank you!

That is exactly what this does.