How to List tags specify a section with use insert every certain amount

first.I use this code to list content and it can insert html(banner) every 3\7 amount

{{- range $article_index, $article_array := .Data.Pages -}}
	{{- if eq $article_index 3 -}}<div id="banner1"></div>{{- end -}}
	{{- if eq $article_index 8 -}}<div id="banner2"></div>{{- end -}}
	<li><a href="{{- .Permalink -}}">{{- .Title -}}</a></li>
{{- end -}}

but when I want to list tags specify a section:

{{- range $article_index, $article_array := where .Site.Taxonomies.tags ".Page.Section" "posts" -}}
	{{- if eq $article_index 3 -}}<div id="banner1"></div>{{- end -}}
	{{- if eq $article_index 8 -}}<div id="banner2"></div>{{- end -}}
	<li><a href="{{- .Permalink -}}">{{- .Title -}}</a></li>
{{- end -}}

It can’t insert html(banner) but no error
How to do if want the above two feature

add: template path /layout/tags/terms.html

This does not answer your question but you should know your html is invalid.

  1. The only permitted content of a list element is <li>, <script> or <template>
  2. ids must be unique. Your code will result in multiple <div id="banner">

oh sorry. I go to fix that

I don’t solve that program yet. can anybody help? thanks.

The data structure for .Site.Taxonomies.tags looks something like this:

  "tag-a": [
      "Weight": 0,
      "Page": {
        "Content": "\u003cp\u003eThis is test one.\u003c/p\u003e\n",
        "Section": "post",
        "Title": "Test 1",
        "Weight": 10,
      "Weight": 0,
      "Page": {
        "Content": "\u003cp\u003eThis is test two.\u003c/p\u003e\n",
        "Section": "post",
        "Title": "Test 2",
        "Weight": 20,
  "tag-b": [
      "Weight": 0,
      "Page": {
        "Content": "\u003cp\u003eThis is test three.\u003c/p\u003e\n",
        "Section": "post",
        "Title": "Test 3",
        "Weight": 30,

Note that the top level keys are strings (the term names) not integers.

One would normally range through this collection doing something like:

{{ range $term, $weightedPages := .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
  <h2>{{ $term }}</h2>
  {{ range $weightedPages }}
    <a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a><br>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

thanks for reply
yes. I googled it show me that. but when I only need to show a specific section’s tags I don’t know how to do.
I only know use .Site.Taxonomies.tags ".Page.Section" "posts" to show a specific section‘s tags. but it can’t let if eq $article_index 3 take effect
Is there a way to do both?

Use a counter.

{{ $i := 0}}
{{ range $term, $weightedPages := where .Site.Taxonomies.tags "Page.Section" "posts" }}
  {{ $termPage := site.GetPage (path.Join "tags" $term) }}
  {{ if eq $i 3 }}
    {{/* YOUR BANNER HERE */}}
  {{ end }}
  <h2><a href="{{ $termPage.RelPermalink }}">{{ $termPage.Title }}</a></h2>
  {{ $i = add 1 $i }}
{{ end }}

thanks. It’s worked!
I’m a website operator, and I don’t know the actual working logic of the code. Therefore, in the face of some situations like this, the official documents cannot completely solve the doubts. Thanks community. great!

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