Links working strangely under different domain

The netlify domain is:

and my own being:

On the first domain, when I click on a link it takes me the correct place but on the other domain. I’d like it to stay on the same domain. Is this possible?
I am asking because when I work on other projects, and use the first domain to show my clients before using their domain, they can take a look at the site, where the links work


<ul class="header-nav">
  {{ $currentPage := . }}
  {{ range .Site.Menus.main -}}
    <li class='header-nav__list-item {{ if $currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" . }} active {{ end }}'>
      <a class="header-nav__list-link" href="{{ .URL | absLangURL }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
  {{ end }}

Config file:

contentDir = 'content/english'
description = 'Kaliriu in English'
languageCode = 'en-US'
languageName = 'English'
weight = 1

identifier = 'home'
name = 'Home'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 1

identifier = 'projects'
name = 'Projects'
url = '/projects'
weight = 2

identifier = 'blog'
name = 'Blog'
url = '/blog'
weight = 3

identifier = 'contact'
name = 'Contact'
url = '/contact'
weight = 4

contentDir = 'content/spanish'
description = 'Kaliriu en Español'
languageCode = 'es-ES'
languageName = 'Español'
weight = 2

identifier = 'inicio'
name = 'Inicio'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 1

identifier = 'proyectos'
name = 'Proyectos'
url = '/es/projects'
weight = 1

identifier = 'blog'
name = 'Blog'
url = '/es/blog'
weight = 2

identifier = 'contacto'
name = 'Contacto'
url = '/es/contact'
weight = 3


You and I have discussed menu definition before:

  • You can omit the identifier property unless two or more entries in a given language have the same name property.
  • Use the pageRef property for internal links, and use the url property for external links. If you don’t do this, you will run into this issue.
  • Omit the language prefix (example: /es) when specifying the pageRef property. You’ve defined the menu entries per language, so Hugo knows what to do.

With these changes, your site configuration should look like this:

contentDir = 'content/english'
description = 'Kaliriu in English'
languageCode = 'en-US'
languageName = 'English'
weight = 1

name = 'Home'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 1

name = 'Projects'
pageRef = '/projects'
weight = 2

name = 'Blog'
pageRef = '/blog'
weight = 3

name = 'Contact'
pageRef = '/contact'
weight = 4

contentDir = 'content/spanish'
description = 'Kaliriu en Español'
languageCode = 'es-ES'
languageName = 'Español'
weight = 2

name = 'Inicio'
pageRef = '/'
weight = 1

name = 'Proyectos'
pageRef = '/projects'
weight = 2

name = 'Blog'
pageRef = '/blog'
weight = 3

name = 'Contacto'
pageRef = '/contact'
weight = 4

Finally, to allow your site to be served correctly from both and, do not pass the menu entry URL through absLangURL. Change this:

<a class="header-nav__list-link" href="{{ .URL | absLangURL }}">{{ .Name }}</a>

To this:

<a class="header-nav__list-link" href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</a>

Thank you
But it is also giving me issues on:

When I click on a link, it adds the whole route of the link


      {{- $currentPage := . -}}
      {{ range .Site.Menus.main -}}
      <li class='header-nav__list-item {{ if $currentPage.IsMenuCurrent "main" . }} active {{ end }}'>
          <a class="header-nav__list-link" href="{{ .URL }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
      {{- end }}



contentDir = 'content/english'
description = 'Pascual in English'
languageCode = 'en-US'
languageName = 'English'
weight = 1

name = 'Projects'
pageRef = '/projects'
weight = 1

name = 'Services'
pageRef = '/services'
weight = 2

name = 'Products'
pageRef = '/products'
weight = 3

name = 'About us'
pageRef = '/about'
weight = 4

name = 'Blog'
pageRef = '/blog'
weight = 5

name = 'Contact'
pageRef = '/contact'
weight = 6

contentDir = 'content/spanish'
description = 'Pascual en Español'
languageCode = 'es-ES'
languageName = 'Español'
weight = 2

name = 'Proyectos'
pageRef = '/projects'
weight = 1

name = 'Servicios'
pageRef = '/services'
weight = 2

name = 'Productos'
pageRef = '/products'
weight = 3

name = 'Sobre nosotros'
pageRef = '/about'
weight = 4

name = 'Blog'
pageRef = '/blog'
weight = 5

name = 'Contacto'
pageRef = '/contact'
weight = 6


I am unable to reproduce the problem. Try it:

git clone --single-branch -b hugo-forum-topic-40357 hugo-forum-topic-40357
cd hugo-forum-topic-40357
hugo server

If you need additional assistance, please share a link to the public repository for your project.

I suspect that the baseURL in your site configuration is missing the protocol.


baseURL = ''


baseURL = ''