Last year, I migrate my blog to hugo from org mode.
In the beginning, I tried to create a simple but multifunctional theme, which should include:
- light/dark mode;
- effiective local search;
- adapted to multi-ends;
- i18n;
- highly customizable, etc.
And it is the origin edtion - GitHub - loveminimal/hugo-theme-virgo at v1.0.0 . Here is a Origin Edtion Demo .
But then I find that maybe it is too heavy. Acturally, I just want a tiny and effiective theme, so I simplify it, remove some unused features like light/dark mode, local search, and re-style some pages.
Finally, it comes to be a new edtion - GitHub - loveminimal/hugo-theme-virgo: A simple and pure theme. . Of course, you can explore it at New Edtion Demo .
Welcome to enjoy it : )