JavaScript on page


I’m creating a complex website and I’m using in general jQuery. On some pages (markdown files) I would like to add a document.ready function . How can I put some JavaScript code inside the markdown file?
My first idea is to create a page property, which is put inside the header if it is set. But is there any buildin functionality to put page specialized JavaScript code to a page?



Thanks for that, but I understand it in this case, that I can define a JavaScript file and include it by a block structure, but in my case I would like to add “inline JavaScript code”.

You can include regular HTML in you Markdown files. So a <script> tag should work. Maybe it can happen that Go templates escape them for security reasons (unless Hugo trusts the user and marks it as safe by default).

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Yes the problem are the quotes. I have got this code e.g.

$(document).ready(function() {
     $("#animatefsm").click( {
 } );

And the double-quotes within the jQuery call are escaped. How can I avoid the escaping within the markdown file of this block?


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… just an idea, … not sure/didn’t try - about that :

{{ `<script>
$(document).ready(function() {
$(“#animatefsm”).click( {
} );
</script>` | safeJS }}

note: use backticks not apostrophes

The answer proposed on this page by snapo is to move all the javascript to one line in between the <script> and </script> tags.

That works for me in Hugo 56.3


Correct me if I’m wrong but if you put in your config.toml

      unsafe = true

then something like


console.log('Hello World');


works in your markdown file without problems.