I’m currently creating a multilingual blog, which also utilizes a tag system.
/tags/_index.de.md Lists all tags. .IsTranslated = true
/tags/<tagname>/_index.de.md Lists all blog entries with this tag. .IsTranslated = false - always
/tags/_index.en.md Lists all English tags. .IsTranslated = true
/tags/<tagname>/_index.en.md Lists all blog entries with this tag. .IsTranslated = false - always
I’ve already checked the settings multiple times, but there has been no progress. When I change the filename from /tags/<tagname>/_index.de.md to /tags/<tagname>/index.de.md, the pages are immediately translated.
PS C:\source\website> hugo version
hugo v0.123.8-5fed9c591b694f314e5939548e11cc3dcb79a79c+extended windows/amd64 BuildDate=2024-03-07T13:14:42Z VendorInfo=gohugoio