Now, when I check for {{ .IsTranslated }} in the template where the home page is rendered, it is set to true, even though a content/ file doesn’t exist.
Since a translation of the content/ has not been defined, why is Hugo creating an empty page for the French translation, in my particular case, the French home page?
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.48 darwin/amd64 BuildDate: 2018-08-29T06:33:08Z
EDIT: I found this (closed) issue, but the solution is not applicable since I already do it as the user mentioned in the solution.
It seems that your only option would be to use 301 redirects for the unwanted public/fr/index.html
Unless you choose to have the root /index.html translated as well.
But you shouldn’t really feel disappointed, you got a definite reply.
Anyway there are many intricacies with Go and the way Hugo is built. There has been quite a bit of refactoring during the past year. What you’re asking may be a breaking change.
In any case, if the maintainer feels that current behavior will remain as is, there is not much left to be said, except for this:
If you know Go and you feel that this should change, then you could submit a PR to Hugo source (for review) along with proper tests (so that existing Hugo projects don’t break).