Hey guys, I just refactored a site and I need to do 301 redirects for a few sections of the site since they now have a different path.
I’m currently using aliases on a few pages and that seems to work but some of the sections have many pages and I don’t want to have too go edit them manually and add an alias to each.
release-notes = "/company/release-notes/:filename"
blog = "/company/blog/:title"
But I still need release notes to be accessible via .SiteURL/release-notes and perch-news to be accessible via .SiteURL/blog is that what permalinks are supposed to do if so I never got it to work.
I just ended up moving things around to the way they were until I can figure out a way solve it via config permalinks otherwise I think I will just have to keep the structure I currently have
Have you tried using aliases on your sections? You can now add FrontMatter to page section and therefore aliases, I never tried but it may suit your need…
So, permalinks work on the pages within a section themselves, not the section. So if we reduce this to one case (I’m a little confused by the various paths you’ve got up there), what is one example folder that you have content in? And what is the output path you want that folder to go to?