Is there a simple method that supports resizing images

Such as the one I saw in Obsidian:

  1. setting to 1200x800
    ![image alt|1200x800](image.png)

  2. setting width to 1200, auto height
    ![image alt|1200](image.png)

A simple search for “Resize” in the documentation would give you the answer to that. In addition, searching for “responsive image” in the forum should turn up a ton of useful posts on this issue.

Regardless: Obsidian does not “resize” your images. It only renders them with the given pixel sizes. Which is a very crude (and non-portable) approach. A single image size is not what you want if people are using your site on desktop and mobile.

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I apologize, I indeed did not find the method earlier, possibly due to using incorrect keywords. I simply felt that it would be more convenient to adjust directly, similar to how it’s done on this forum or in Obsidian, without considering the issues that might arise when viewing on different platforms.

Again: Obsidian does not resize your images. Check them on disk. It probably just produces HTML like
<img width=1200 height=800 src="...">
but who knows… In any case it is not resizing the original image. How would it do that with a remote one?

OTOH, Hugo really resizes your images if you tell it to. So, instead of sending 4000 width pixels over the wire and have the browser reduce that to 1200 pixels wide, you create a 1200 wide image and send that over the wire. Which makes a lot more sense.

Well, I didn’t think about all these aspects before; I just wanted to quickly resize images while writing my blog. After reading your explanation, I adjusted the Obsidian window size and indeed noticed that the images were overflowing the page.

That’s Obsidian for you. All shiny on the surface. I suggest using a different writing environment like VS Code.

The reason I brought up this question is that I recently discovered a “zero-code” method for using a static blog, which does not require Git tools or IDEs like VSCode. Instead, everything is handled directly through a notes app, specifically a Joplin + Hexo.

Since I have been using Hugo, I wanted to explore whether I could simplify my blog update process on Hugo by adopting this approach. I had previously experimented with using Obsidian as a management and publishing platform for my Hugo blog files, and without much thought, I posed what now seems like a naive question.

Obsidian is well known for introducing their own “additions” to markdown. That’s one reason why it might not be the best choice for an MD editor of you want to use the files independently of Obsidian.

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