Is it possible to pass few lined paragraphs to my components (shortcodes) from Markdown files?

Hello, friends! I’m trying to build shortcode (component) for my cards, that look like this:

I want to build something like this:

Similar component in React.js:

title="Organization 1"
'Description paragraph 1 for Organization 1...',
'Description paragraph 2 for Organization 1...',
'Description paragraph 3 for Organization 1...',
pros={['Pro 1', 'Pro 2']}
cons={['Con 1', 'Con 2']}

Component in GoHugo Shortcode (if it’s possible to do something like that):

{{< organization 
    name="Organization 1"
    pros='["Pro 1", "Pro 2"]'
    cons='["Con 1", "Con 2"]'
Markdown **paragraph** 1 
Markdown paragraph 2
## some title within shortcode
paragraph 4
{{< /organization >}}

I don’t know GoHugo very well. If it’s possible to build a shortcode, something like that? Can’t find information in shortcodes documentation.