Is it possible to have equal number of posts in first and subsequent pages?

The list design in my test site was working well until I decided to try a new design with three columns for larger screens. Now, the posts are not even on first and subsequent pages. Is there a Hugo way to close these gaps? Ideally, I want 14 posts on page 1 (1 featured, 13 other) and 12 on the other paginated pages.

OT: How do you limit a certain design to the first page only?

How are you designating the ā€œfeaturedā€ page that appears on the first pager? Are you setting a value in front matter?

No. I actually used a solution you ā€˜hackedā€™ for me in the linked topic. But it is just the newest post that becomes featured automatically.

OK, so you just want one extra page after the featured page before paginating the rest. Correct?

Kindly see the Home Alternate design in this theme (Under the Home dropdown menu). I am designing something similar that switches from one column, to two columns (768px) then 3 columns (1024px). I am looking at the number of posts that can fit that design in the first page (without leaving gaps when switching from three grid columns to two and vice versa), but the rest of the pages to remain at 12 pages.

This is a simple, yes/no question.

I understand that as following:

  • count A - pages on the first page

  • a specific count of them as featured exposed

  • count B pages on all other pages

not coded defensivly but should do the trick with fillup

{{ define "main" }}
  <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
  {{ .Content }}

  <!-- Set constants. -->
  {{ $numFeaturedPages := 2 }}
  {{ $numPagesOnFirstPage := 14 }} <!-- also the size of the pager -->
  {{ $numPagesPerPager := 12 }}
  {{ $numDummiesPerPage := sub $numPagesOnFirstPage $numPagesPerPager}}
  <!-- pregenerate the fillup pages -->
  {{ $dummies := slice }}
  {{ range seq $numDummiesPerPage }}{{ $dummies = $dummies | append site.Home }}{{ end }}

  <!-- pages to paginate -->
  {{ $toProcess := .Pages }}
  <!-- pages of first page -->
  {{ $p := $toProcess | first $numPagesOnFirstPage }}
  <!-- all the rest -->
  {{ $toProcess = $toProcess | after $numPagesOnFirstPage }}
  <!-- number of pages to generate -->
   {{ $loopCount := div (len $toProcess) $numPagesPerPager }}
   <!-- now range ofer the pages (just a for loop) -->
   {{ range seq $loopCount }}
      <!-- fillup each page with dummies -->
      {{ $p = $p | append $dummies }}
      <!-- add current page set -->
      {{ $p = $p | append ($toProcess | first $numPagesPerPager) }}
      <!-- remove current page set from the ones to process -->
      {{ $toProcess = $toProcess | after $numPagesPerPager }}
   {{ end }}
   <!-- we might have left some pages out (incomplete last page) -->
   {{ if len $toProcess }}
      {{ $p = $p | append $dummies }}
      {{ $p = $p | append $toProcess }}
   {{ end }}

   {{ $paginator := .Paginate $p $numPagesOnFirstPage }}

  {{/* First $numFeaturedPages pages of the root page collection. */}}
  {{ if eq $paginator.PageNumber 1  }}
    <pre>// BEGIN FEATURED</pre>
    <div class="featured">
    {{ range first $numFeaturedPages .Pages }}
      <h3><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></h3>
    {{ end }}
    <pre>// END FEATURED</pre>
  {{ end }}

  {{/* The paginated page collection, skipping the dummy pages. */}}
  <div class="list-page">
  {{ range after $numFeaturedPages $paginator.Pages }}
    {{/* Skip the dummy pages. */}}
    {{ if not .IsHome }}
      <h3><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></h3>
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}

  {{/* Navigation. */}}
  {{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}

{{ end }}

Itā€™s actually a bit simpler; no need to fill in the gaps.

{{ define "main" }}
  <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
  {{ .Content }}

  {{/* Set constants. */}}
  {{ $numFeaturedPages := 2 }}
  {{ $numPagesFirstPager := 10 }}
  {{ $numPagesSubsequentPagers := 4 }}

  {{/* Paginate the page collection excluding the extra pages on the first pager. */}}
  {{ $paginator := .Paginate (.Pages | after (sub $numPagesFirstPager $numPagesSubsequentPagers)) $numPagesSubsequentPagers }}

  {{/* Featured pages. */}}
  {{ if eq $paginator.PageNumber 1  }}
    <pre>// BEGIN FEATURED</pre>
    {{ range first $numFeaturedPages .Pages }}
      <h3><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></h3>
    {{ end }}
    <pre>// END FEATURED</pre>
  {{ end }}

  {{/* Extra pages for the first pagter. */}}
  {{ if eq $paginator.PageNumber 1  }}
    <pre>// BEGIN EXTRA</pre>
    {{ range .Pages | after $numFeaturedPages | first (sub $numPagesFirstPager $numPagesSubsequentPagers $numFeaturedPages) }}
      <h3><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></h3>
    {{ end }}
    <pre>// END EXTRA</pre>
  {{ end }}

  {{/* The paginated page collection. */}}
  {{ range $paginator.Pages }}
    <h3><a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a></h3>
  {{ end }}

  {{/* Navigation. */}}
  {{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}

{{ end }}

But the OPā€™s goal is still not entirely clear to me.


It would be perfect if it worked with two featured pages. But I am also open for the featured page to be 1. I already have the designs for both ready, what I donā€™t want is the gaps left by the grid system at the moment.

just stripping of the first pages , brilliant

just stucked on the example code from repo and old issue.
and thought It would be bad to mix access to .Pages and .paginator.Pages

Yeah, I think the filler pages were necessary in an earlier iteration of the solution for the old issue. It went through a number of changes trying to get what the OP wanted.

So, I have been studying your code and I see that this number has to be equal to the total number of pages appearing in the first page, after the featured pages, otherwise it throws an error. Interestingā€¦

mmh, I dont get that point:

{{ $numFeaturedPages := 2 }}
{{ $numPagesFirstPager := 10 }}
{{ $numPagesSubsequentPagers := 4 }}

numPagesSubsequentPagers is 4 and no other value matches that

there are 10 posts (incl. 2 featured posts) on the first page
and 4 on the rest of the pages.
the 4 filler on the first page are because 2 featured + 4 to the page lead to 4 added.

If you set numPagesSubsequentPagers to 5 there will be three filler pages.

In fact to code assumes that the number of pages on the first page is larger than the number of pages on the sbusequent pages - if not it breaks.

I suppose @jmooring implementation is just an improvement on my with the gaps and so based on my understanding on the requirement stated above.

maybe you could clarify the gap? sometimes a picture helps

This is what I was referring to. I learnt the hard way after a few tries. But overall, the code works. Thank you all.

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