The Why: I’d like to use Hugo to make a better website for some webcomics my friends are making. (I’m aware there are webcomic hosting sites out there, but we just want our own website for now.)
The Conundrum: Since each comic page is essentially the same (first/prev/next/last navigation), it doesn’t make sense to me to make a page for each one. Rather, I’d love to just drop the images in a folder (properly named, of course!) and have Hugo spit out a page for each one from a common template.
Is this feasible? If I’ve missed a similar question somewhere, please let me know!
I’ve considered a similar kind of site. If I were starting a new comic (meaning I didn’t have tons of pages already), I’d use a sub-directory approach, and then front matter cascade (Front Matter | Hugo) to set my defaults, and just drop the relevant images in each directory; this approach also works with multi-page/image layouts, where a “chapter” of pages is released or gathered together.
Then I’d do something similar to: hugo new comic/2021-09-24/, and drop images in content/comic/2021-09-24. Of course it could be chapters or names or whatever instead of date in the path. And if I need to override the front matter, it’s available (in my experience of hosting comics for friends, there will be a time they want to treat a single image differently, so I plan for it ^_^).