Relevant MultiMarkdown (MMD) example:
"Well, hel*lo* there! *(Ahem)* I *said*: 'Well, hel**lo** there!'"
Preview from multiple MMD apps, including Marked 2, as well as the preview window I’m viewing as I write this post:
“Well, hello there! (Ahem) I said: ‘Well, hello there!’”
But Hugo produces this, instead:
“Well, hel*lo* there! (Ahem) I said: ‘Well, hello there!’”
So the issue is not with intra-word formatting in general but just intra-word italics. (Tried underscores rather than asterisks; same result.) Am using Hugo 0.55.5, but don’t know if this is related to only that version.
While the need for intra-word italics is infrequent, it does sometimes exist. Any way around this in Hugo? Thanks in advance.