Integer in Data Template path

I posted in this other topic, but worry that it will not be seen as the main topic is marked [SOLVE]:

When I have a number as a key in a yaml file, I cannot seem to access the key (or those under it) by name:

If I have a yaml like this (release.yml):

        version: ...
        url: ....
        hash: ...
        version: ...
        url: ...
        hash: ...

Trying to access this in the template using:


Trips an error:

ERROR 2018/08/27 12:46:43 Failed to add template "partials/downloads.html" in path "partials\\downloads.html": template: partials/downloads.html:5: unexpected ".32" in operand

How would I reference that path by name with a number in it?

If I remember correctly, number keys are not allowed.