The last time I ran hugo to generate my site was version v0.58. Since I’m using the snap package, it is now auto-updated to v0.68.3.
My site is laid out as follows:
└── post:
__└── all my posts go here
With the old version of hugo, would have a list of all the posts in post/
, but now it only lists a link to the post/
Is there a way I can fix my site to get the old behaviour in the new version of hugo?
If I need to provide any more information, please let me know.
The old (desired) behaviour vs the new behaviour:
Thank you
we need a little mor information to help. Do you have a repository? Minimum ist the used template for, mostly layouts/index.html
You should have someting like this
{{ range site.RegularPages }}
<a href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .Title | markdownify }}</a>
{{ end }}
Hi, thanks for helping.
It’s based closely on this:
I don’t have layouts/index.html
I was able to solve the problem by creating a template for index based on this:
and incorporating bits from single.html to fill in the rest.
Thanks for the help
I downloaded your repo and the theme, all works fine!
Cleanup /resources
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