Images showing on local server but not on published site

Hi, I’ve tried adding images to a post on my site:

When locally deployed, the images are displayed. However they don’t display on the published site. Any ideas why this would be the case? I have added the raw file below:
Just as a note, my images are stored in /static/2019-10-03/


author = ""

title = "Thursday October 3rd 2019"

date = "2019-10-03"

description = "Anatomy and Physiology Tutorial 1"

tags = ["Masters"]

categories = ["Masters"]

series = ["University Journal"]

aliases = ["migrate-from-jekyl"]

showFullContent = true


<font size="+7" color="orange"><center> Definitions </center></font>



* **Anatomy:** - Branch of biological science that studies the structure of an organism.


* **Physiology:** - The science of the functioning of living organisms and of their component parts.


* **Gross scale:** - Large scale systemic and regional.


* **Micro scale:** - Small scale structure.


* **Surface anatomy:** - The features we can see or palpate (examine by touch) on the outside of the body. Prominent anatomical structures that we can see / palpate are called anatomical landmarks.


* **Clinical anatomy:** - Relates to how anatomical structures change with pathology or range of motion (the amount of movement allowed at a joint).


* **Positional terminlogy:** - Describes the position of structures in space / in relation to each other.


* **Plantarflexion:** - ‘Moving the top (dorsum) of the foot away

from the anterior surface of the leg’.


* **Dorsiflexion:** - ‘Bringing the dorsum of the foot towards

the anterior surface of the leg’.


* **Eversion/Valgus:** - Posterior (back) of hindfoot moving away from midline.


* **Inversion/Varus:** - Posterior aspect of hindfoot moving closer towards the midline.




<font size="+7" color="orange"><center> Positional Terminology Terms </center></font>



Common words to describe the position of anatomical structures:


* **Anterior:** - To the front.


* **Posterior:** - To the back.


* **Superior:** - Above.


* **Inferior:** - Below.


* **Lateral:** - Away from the midline.


* **Medial:** - Towards the middle.


* **Proximal:** - Closer to the middle of the body.


* **Distal:** - Further away from the middle of the body.


* **Superficial:** - Closer to the surface of the body.


* **Deep:** - Further away from the surface of the body.




<font size="+7" color="orange"><center> Anatomical Position </center></font>



* Body standing erect

* Body facing forwards

* Legs together

* Feet parallel with toes pointing forwards

* Arms hanging loosely

* Palms of hands facing forwards (thumb lateral)



<font size="+7" color="orange"><center> Anatomical Terminalogy relating to Bones </center></font>



* **Condyle:** - a round protuberance that occurs at the end of some bones.


* **Epicondyle:** - the protuberance above a condyle at the end of an articulating bone.


* **Fossa:** - a depression or hollow.


* **Foramen:** - a hole.


* **Process:** - a thin prominence or protuberance.


* **Ramus:** - a thin process projecting from a bone.


* **Spine:** - a sharp process of a bone.


* **Sulcus:** - groove.


* **Trabecula:** - the thin bars of bony tissue in spongy bone.


* **Lamella:** - thin bands of calcified bone matrix.


* **Trochlear:** - an anatomical part having the structure or function of a pulley.


* **Tuberosity:** - a large rounded protuberance on a bone / expanded / pulled out.


* **Facet:** - plate like surface.




<font size="+7" color="orange"><center> Planes of Motion </center></font>



* **Sagittal Plane:** - can be seen when standing side on to someone.


* **Coronal Plane:** - can be seen when you stand in front of / behind someone.


* **Transverse Plane:** - can be seen when you stand above or below someone.

{{<figure src="/2019-10-03/planes_of_movement.jpg" class="post-cover">}}




<font size="+7" color="orange"><center> Movements </center></font>



<font size="+4" color="Gree"><center> Sagittal Plane </center></font>

**Flexion:** - involves ‘the bending of two adjacent body segments so that their two anterior/posterior surfaces are brought together’

(Palastanga & Soames, 2012, p3).

* Hip flexion

* Knee flexion

* Ankle flexion

* Plantarflexion.

{{<figure src="/2019-10-03/Sagittal_plane_flexion.jpg" class="post-cover">}}


**Extension:** - involves ‘the moving apart of two opposing surfaces’ or ‘movement beyond the neutral position’ (Palastanga & Soames, 2012, p3).

* Hip extension

* Knee extension

* Ankle extension

* Dorsiflexion.

{{<figure src="/2019-10-03/Sagittal_plane_extension.jpg" class="post-cover">}}



<font size="+4" color="Gree"><center> Coronal Plane </center></font>

**Abduction:** - ‘The movement of a body segment such that it moves away from the midline of the body’ (Palastanga & Soames, 2012, p3).

* Hip abduction

* Knee abduction

* Ankle abduction.

{{<figure src="/2019-10-03/Coronal_plane_abduction.jpg" class="post-cover">}}


**Adduction:** - ‘The movement of a body segment in a coronal plane such that it moves towards the midline of the body’ (Palastanga & Soames, 2012, p3).

* Hip adduction

* Knee adduction

* Ankle adduction

{{<figure src="/2019-10-03/Coronal_plane_adduction.jpg" class="post-cover">}}



<font size="+4" color="Gree"><center> Transverse Plane </center></font>

**Medial Rotation:** - ‘Rotation of a limb segment about its longitudinal axis so that the anterior surface comes to face the midline of the body’ (Palastanga & Soames, 2012, p3).

* Medial (internal) hip rotation

* Medial (internal) knee rotation.

{{<figure src="/2019-10-03/Transverse_plane_medial.jpg" class="post-cover">}}


**Lateral rotation:** - ‘Rotation of a limb segment about its longitudinal axis so that the anterior surface faces away from the midline’ (Palastanga & Soames, 2012, p3).

* Lateral (external) hip rotation

* Lateral (external) knee rotation.

{{<figure src="/2019-10-03/Transverse_plane_lateral.jpg" class="post-cover">}}

are your pictures under [hugo dir]/static/2019-10-03/planes_of_movement.jpg ?

The best way ist to work with Page Bundles

More often used pictures can be unter static or assets

Thanks for your response. I’ll look into page bundles as an alternative to my issue, but I’m still interested to see what my issue is exactly. Yes the images are all within [hugo dir]/static/2019-10-03/

So the image file isn’t on Netlify’s servers (at least not in the location you’re specifying). Are there any errors or warning in the build log?

I’m not sure if this is related, but there’s something wrong with webpack and javascript - this is the output from the Firefox debugger


just two quick ideas:

I could not find the graphic files in your public repo. This may be the reason for the error.

Did you check the permissions of the image files (ls -l)?

You can correct the permissions using chmod 644 YourImage.jpg.

Thanks for the response Grob. You were correct in saying that I hadn’t added it to the public repo! Silly mistake! Thanks very much for the help!