As far as I know the ignoreFiles configuration is meant for files under the contentDir not the staticDir.
If I were you I would try placing the SVG files under the assetDir and then fetch the .min.svg ones with the method resources.Get, also -if memory serves me right- it is possible to use pattern matching with the above method.
“Assets will only be published (to /public ) if .Permalink or .RelPermalink is used.”
In my case I use the svg files as background images (defined via css). So there is no .Permalink or .RelPermalink…that’s why I think your solution doesn’t work here.
I understand that
ignoreFiles = [ "\\.foo$", "\\.boo$" ]
works only for content files but maybe it would’ve been better to define something like
The idea would be to use a small .css file to create the style you need, execute it as a template and then append it to the rest of the stylesheet with resources.Concat