I can't seem to build hugo in vercel

I’m new to hugo and getting the following error when buildling at vercel and netlify
it works fine building locally though

Building sites … ERROR 2024/01/20 20:31:20 render of “page” failed: “/vercel/path0/layouts/posts/single.html:28:18”: execute of template failed: template: posts/single.html:28:18: executing “content” at <.getterms>: can’t evaluate field getterms in type *hugolib.pageState

the code that errors is

          {{ with .GetTerms "authors" }}{{ partial "taxonomy/authors.html" . }}{{ end }}
          {{ with .GetTerms "categories" }}{{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}
          {{ with .GetTerms "tags" }}{{ partial "taxonomy/tags.html" . }}{{ end }}

I tried different casing still not working

The correct case is described in the docs:

Somewhere in your templates, themes, or modules you have “getterms” (lowercase), which is wrong.

The .Page.GetTerms method was added in v0.65.0. With Vercel, I believe the default version is still v0.58.2, and with Netlify the default version is v0.85.0.

Make sure you are running the same version locally and remotely, hopefully the latest, v0.121.2.


There was a version issue in vercel. I resolved by adding the env variable to set hugo version.

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