Start building sites …
hugo v0.123.0-3c8a4713908e48e6523f058ca126710397aa4ed5+extended linux/amd64 BuildDate=2024-02-19T16:32:38Z VendorInfo=gohugoio
WARN calling IsSet with unsupported type “invalid” () will always return false.
ERROR failed to process “/docs/helpdesk/guides/copia_dati/index.html”: “/tmp/hugo-transform-error611422725:1603:21”: unexpected } in expression on line 1603 and column 21
45: } catch (err) {
ERROR failed to process “/docs/helpdesk/guides/inplace/index.html”: “/tmp/hugo-transform-error59870334:1624:21”: unexpected } in expression on line 1624 and column 21
45: } catch (err) {
ERROR failed to process “/docs/helpdesk/guides/setup_dell_laptops/index.html”: “/tmp/hugo-transform-error3023614695:1639:21”: unexpected } in expression on line 1639 and column 21
45: } catch (err) {
ERROR failed to process “/docs/helpdesk/software/oracle/oracle_lntools/index.html”: “/tmp/hugo-transform-error1898247239:1639:21”: unexpected } in expression on line 1639 and column 21
45: } catch (err) {
Total in 15495 ms
Error: error building site: render: failed to render pages: failed to process “/docs/dev/pterodactyl/pterodactyl/index.html”: “/tmp/hugo-transform-error2013320630:2724:21”: unexpected } in expression on line 2724 and column 21
45: } catch (err) {
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
I use the lotusdocs theme, the latest version supported by this theme is 0.131.0.
But the problem does not depend on this, even if I change version the problem persists.
The blog works locally on windows.