Hugo without the filesystem lookup order?

I know that the lookup order is an integral part of how Hugo functions. It does a good job for structured sites.

As I’m used to Hugo I’m considering using it for a very eclectic web experiment with a lot less structure and a lot more chaos where the strict lookup order could hold me back.

Does anybody here have any experience of using Hugo more like Jekyll where layout: in front matter dictates the layout of the current page? Would it just be a matter of storing all layouts (like anicelayout) in the layoutcollection section and using front mattter on all pages like this:

section: layoutcollection
layout: anicelayout

Or will I run into other constraints from this “misuse” that I’m not thinking of?

The two things you may set in front matter are type and layout. Section is not one. It’s hugo core.

Have look at the mount options to mount some external stuff to hugo folders.

Never tried much with working around hugo using hugo…