Hugo throws an error while parsing date in archetype

I am using hugo 0.18.1. My archetype for post section looks like this:

title = ""
description = ""
date = "now()"
tags = []
categories = []
series = []

However, when I try to create a new post by typing hugo new post/ I get this error:

ERROR: 2017/01/21 21:56:21 content.go:61: Error processing archetype file PATH_TO_DIR\themes\hugolb\archetypes\ Could not parse Date/Time format: Unable to parse date: now()

Error: Could not parse Date/Time format: Unable to parse date: now()

What am I doing wrong? I have tried now() with and without enclosing quotes to no avail.

I figured it out. Leaving the date field empty populates it with the current date/time. Like so:

date = ""

You don’t actually need to include date in your archetype, as it - along with title - are automatically inserted upon new post creation. (See the bottom of