@anthonyfok @mattstratton @bep @moorereason
- Archetypes are a must for creating consistent metadata for sites that have multiple authors, as noted by @mattstratton. Single-author sites have less of a need (mentioned in a few different ways on the forums) since individuals can create sublime snippets, bash scripts, etc, but this detracts from the single-binary sexiness of Hugo and the archetypes feature as a whole.
- Hugo already has multiple baked-in date-related params/variables set in front matter:
(one of two fields of the, er, archetypal archetype), etc.
What about adding the option to specifically call out now()
arbitrarily for any user-defined field? Here’s an example for archetypes/post.md
publishdate: now()
arbitraryfield: now()
expirydate: ""
description: ""
tags: [tag1, tag2]
categories: ['base category']
Then running hugo new post/my-new-post.md
would generate the following. I’m writing this alphabetically to acknowledge that sorting is a a separate issue and not part of this request:
arbitraryfield: 2017-02-12T08:50:02-08:00
- base category
date: 2017-02-12T08:50:02-08:00
description: ""
expirydate: ""
publishdate: 2017-02-12T08:50:02-08:00
- tag1
- tag2
title: my new post
I can’t speak to the level of difficulty for adding this feature, so I’m looking for feedback on the utility of the request before putting in to GH. Thanks!