Hugo server -w logs an error if layouts directory is missing

With hugo v0.12, the server watch option displays an ERROR about a missing layouts directory. The log has “ERROR” but it runs anyway, as though it was really just a WARNING.

Michaels-Mac-Pro:HugoBasicExample quoha$ hugo server -t tinyce -w
0 of 1 draft rendered 
0 future content 
6 pages created 
6 tags created
2 categories created
in 13 ms
Watching for changes in /Volumes/G-DRIVE Data/Software/
ERROR: 2014/11/11 Walker:  lstat /Volumes/G-DRIVE Data/Software/ no such file or directory
Serving pages from /Volumes/G-DRIVE Data/Software/
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/
Press ctrl+c to stop

Same version of hugo in the same directory without the watch option. No ERROR is logged.

Michaels-Mac-Pro:HugoBasicExample quoha$ hugo server -t tinyce
0 of 1 draft rendered 
0 future content 
6 pages created 
6 tags created
2 categories created
in 14 ms
Serving pages from /Volumes/G-DRIVE Data/Software/
Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/
Press ctrl+c to stop
