Hugo Quickstart: cannot install Ananke theme


I’m trying to setup hugo blog but only the blank page is loading on localhost:1313 and not the theme landing page.

Here’s what I did…

  1. I followed instructions on Quick Start | Hugo trying to install ananke theme, but it was giving errors in trying to start the server with ‘hugo server -D’ as already faced by other members above, so dropped ananke theme.

  2. I tried to install vex-hugo theme by following instructions on Theme Installation. Here the server is staring giving proper logs but still theme page is not loading on localhost

Below is the SS of Server Logs…


Appreciate your help.


What version of Hugo are you using?

Can you share your site’s code (or even just what you’ve got in config.toml)?

I could fix the issue following above. It seems it had to do with older hugo version which was not picking up the theme correctly and this worked only after I copied content of the exampleSite folder to the project folder. Just by following the Quick start | Hugo , I’m still not getting the complete theme but not completely blank page either as I was getting earlier with older version.

Earlier I was using older version v0.18.1 but now using below

$ hugo version
Hugo Static Site Generator v0.80.0/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2021-07-18T09:31:51Z (debian 0.80.0-6+b5)

Basically, config.toml will

  1. look like this while following Quick Start Tutorial on hugo site.

baseURL = “
languageCode = “en-us”
title = “My New Hugo Site”
theme = “vex-hugo”

  1. be copy of exampleSite folder created inside theme folder while following Theme Installation Guide which is working as expected in my case and has following code and more (I only pasted what I think is relevant, can paste entire if you want)

################################### Default Configuration ############################
baseurl = “
title = “Vex | hugo landing page template”
theme = “vex-hugo”

Could you copy everything in config.toml?

What’s in your content directory?

And better still - could you share your project’s code (much faster than asking for it piecemeal).