Hugo mod vendor: not working on Windows (v0.116.0)

How to reproduce

git clone
cd hugoDocs
hugo mod vendor

This works fine under Linux with latest released hugo version v0.116.0.

However if I run hugo mod vendor under Windows, I’m getting an error:

C:\Users\adeininger\GitHub\hugoDocs>hugo mod vendor --logLevel info
go: invalid version: git ls-remote -q origin in C:\Users\xx\AppData\Local\hugo_cache\modules\filecache\modules\pkg\mod\cache\vcs\9e5a73dca9c7e2dc2c7fb3229c58019935bb92360e5180ff8183a1a74535baf5: exec: "git": executable file not found in %PATH%
hugo: collected modules in 688 ms
Error: failed to load modules: failed to download modules: failed to execute 'go [mod download]': failed to execute binary "go" with args [mod download]: go: invalid version: git ls-remote -q origin in C:\Users\xx\AppData\Local\hugo_cache\modules\filecache\modules\pkg\mod\cache\vcs\9e5a73dca9c7e2dc2c7fb3229c58019935bb92360e5180ff8183a1a74535baf5: exec: "git": executable file not found in %PATH%

It complains about git not in the path, but git actually is inside my %PATH%:

git version
git version

On Windows, I can reproduce this with Powershell, cmd DOS box and Git bash. WIth Git bash, the error message is different (and more obscure):

$ hugo mod vendor
go: open C:\Windows\go-codehost-4078174350: Access is denied.
hugo: collected modules in 722 ms
Error: failed to load modules: failed to download modules: failed to execute 'go [mod download]': failed to execute binary "go" with args [mod download]: go: open C:\Windows\go-codehost-4078174350: Access is denied.

With hugo version v101.0, I can run the command successfully on Windows, too.

Is this a regression?

It started to fail with v0.110.0 (v0.109.0 works as expected).


@deining In your clone of the docs repo, please edit config\_default\security.toml:

    allow = ['^go$']
    osEnv = ['^PATH|GO\w+$']

And let me know what you find.

I put the provided settings in place and it didn’t immediately solve the problem.

Out of curiosity, I put these permissive settings in place:

    allow = ['.*']
    osEnv = ['.*']

WIth these settings, I could run hugo mod vendor without errors for the first time, so yes, my problems where/are definitely security related.

Now the strange thing: I reverted to the original repo settings, and I still can run the command without errors. This is weird. Are these settings are stored/cached anywhere? My problem is essentially solved, but it’s unclear to me what happened behind the scenes.

I’m guessing here, but to me it sounds like a caching thing:

  • You adjusted the security settings, then it worked, and now the modules in question is in cache
  • You reverted the setting, reran the command, it’s in cache, so Git is not needed.

You were totally right here, thanks for guiding me in the right direction.

I was able to track it down: Windows systems need access to the TMP env variable. So with this setting, everything works fine, both on Linux and on Windows systems:

   allow = ['^go$']
   osEnv = ['^PATH|TMP$']

Hmm… But the above should be covered by the default settings:

Yes, that’s true, but in the scenario I dealt with, those default settings were overwritten by much more restrictive project settings:

   allow = ['^go$']
   osEnv = ['^PATH$']
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