Hugo --minify dont generate pages

I’m trying to run hugo --minify on my project and the index files do not generate. I don’t get any errors or anything similar, I should have 10 pages generated (I can see my site if i run hugo -D)


Your pages are all draft: true likely. -D means build drafts, so when you run hugo --minify you aren’t building any drafts. Try hugo --minify -D.


  • Try to include/supply as much information as you can when you ask for support, instead of as little as possible. Screenshots, terminal output, and most importantly, public github repo of the project if possible.

Thanks! I tried and worked, if I run locally, everything works fine. My problem it’s that when I try to deploy my site in a test environment, my site it’s down. Also cannot share my project.

Looks like you aren’t including your theme or any layout files along with your content and other things when you deploy