Hugo-Eureka: Homepage Headless page bundle

I am using the Hugo-eureka theme for my site and one thing I can’t quite figure out is the homepage widget system

It seems to be a headless page bundle, but I want to take the widget and have it recursively search nested sections for the latest post instead of being confined to just one top section.

You can see the file here: hugo-eureka/exampleSite/content/homepage at master · wangchucheng/hugo-eureka · GitHub

I have no idea how the handler works in this instance and haven’t seen any documentation to that effect.

You will have to refactor the theme.

Basically you will need to copy the homepage template in a layouts folder directly under the root of your project and take it from there.

Also under your project’s content folder you wouldn’t need to include the homepage headless bundle, since you want to have a more traditional setup.

The documentation offers instructions about creating a page list from Nested Sections with .RegularPagesRecursive, also there are several posts in this forum about creating page lists, therefore I am not going to cover this here once again.