Hugo does not parse <li> HTML Tags

Hi there,

atm im working me through the Tutorial, specifically this part: Data Templates | Hugo
So i created two files: data/jazz/bass/jacopastorius.yaml and data/jazz/bass/johnpatitucci.yaml - both with some basic content as given on the site.
then i created an in the archetypes folder with this content:

{{ range $.Site.Data.jazz.bass }}
   {{ partial "artist.html" . }}
{{ end }}

Then i created an artist.html in the layouts/partials folder with this content

{{ range .discography }}
  <li>{{ . }}</li>
{{ end }}

When i am now creating a hugo website with hugo -D and pushing the public folder to my apache-webserver, the Site looks like this:

Why does hugo not parse the li-HTML tags?

…solved it by myself. I had some whitespaces too much in my artist.html

An correct artist.html haves to be like this:

{{ range .discography }}
<li> {{ . }} </li>
{{ end }}

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