"hugo --destination public" does not use the custom css

Hello Forum

I had a good long day getting started with Hugo and I learned quite a lot and understand the structure and setup now.

I have one last question now.

When I run my website on my Macbook with

< Hugo server -D

then the custom css and index.html file are taken into account and all looks perfect.

When I then deploy the static side to copy it to the webserver with

hugo --destination public

Then the custom css is not taken into account (colours etc. have not been adjusted). The custom index.html is being taken into account.

Maybe it’s an issue with the theme. Or am I using the wrong command for deploying?

Thanks for any help so far as well,


dont forget to set
-b, --baseURL string

like hugo -b https://www.example.com

You can set publishDir in the config

Thank you @ju52

That sounded like it would be the one thing that was missing.

But when I deployed the website with hugo -b https://test.mysite.com unfortunately that did not make a difference.

on top are some guidelines how to ask for help :slight_smile:
Do you have a github repository? or can you create a sample?
How do you call hugo? Whats your platform??