Hugo Deployment

Hello, What would the process of deploying a Hugo website look like? What server do I need? Any dedicated hosting exists?

Hugo is a staic site generator. Means any webserver should be able no dedicated server.

Heres a list of possible deployment methods

General process

  • generate your site
  • copy the result ti your webservers document root

1) If you use GitHub for source control, GitHub Pages is the easiest way to deploy your site.

2) If you use GitLab for source control, GitLab Pages is the easiest way to deploy your site.

3) If you are using either GitHub or GitLab for source control, you can use popular services such as Netlify and Clouldflare Pages to deploy your site. These services provide advanced features not available in GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages.

If I were you I would start with #1 or #2 until you get the basics working, and understand how it all works.