Hugo-blox(academic) site failed to build after updating from 0.125.2 > 0.126.1

Hi all, I recently pushed my static site to github through github actions, and with the latest version 0.126.1, the build didn’t get through, while with 0.125 locally, the site got built without issue.

The error I got:
Error: error building site: assemble: failed to resolve media type for "mmark"

After upgrading my local Hugo to 0.126.1, the same error popped up too, I’d suspect it’s a incompatibility of hugo-blox to the new hugo-version. Wonder if anyone else running into the same errors? All mmark related posts I found here seem pretty outdated, my config associated with mmark look like below:

      unsafe: true
  _merge: deep

Hi, please post a link to your repo and then we can most likely help you find the issue.

Hi thanks for the prompt reply. Here is the link to my repo GitHub - fischcheng/ personal website, remade with Hugo.

Do you have something like this in front matter anywhere:

markup = 'mmark'

Yes, you do:

Thank you very much!! Sorry for not digging deep enough. Confirmed the issue is gone!

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