I’m just starting to use Hugo. What theme was used to create https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/ ?
That theme offers site-level navigation on the left, and topic level navigation on the right. The quick start mentions the ananke theme, but I have not discovered how to create left-side site-level navigation links yet. Is that part of the ananke theme, or something else?
This is the ideal setup for a documentation site. Thanks for any info you can provide.
Here is the theme source for the whole https://gohugo.io, not just the quick-start. The quick-start is just one of the pages from the doc site (doc site source).
Though, as you are new to Hugo, I would suggest that you first understand the fundamentals of Hugo; how the content is organized, Go templating, etc., which you can access from Hugo Documentation | Hugo.
Thank you! I will surely dig into the documentation. Compared to Jekyll, Hugo is easier to set up. I was amazed when it recognized AsciiDoctor content without a plugin. This is really cool. I’m looking forward to working with Hugo.
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