I have just started using Hugo and I like that it is easy to install, fast and comes with a good set of conventions.
I followed the quick start guide
It did not work until I discovered that I have to do
echo 'themesDir = "themes"' >> config.toml
on the command line or edit config.toml (Step 5 of the quick start guide); put a comment in front of
themesDir = “…/…”
or delete that line alltogether.
The complete installation log is below [1]. Included is also a remark about changing tags while running the server with live-reload.
This will help other people not to get stuck just in the ‘quick start’.
Otherwise the Anake theme is very useful as is.
[1] Steps in quick start to set up a hugo site with the ananke theme.
Fix for
hugo new site my-hugo-site
cd my-hugo-site
git clone https://github.com/budparr/gohugo-theme-ananke.git themes/ananke
cp themes/ananke/exampleSite/config.toml .
rm archetypes/default.md
cp -R themes/ananke/exampleSite/content/* ./content
echo 'theme = "ananke"' >> config.toml
echo 'themesDir = "themes"' >> config.toml
or edit config.toml and comment out
themesDir = "../.."
by putting # in front.
Then start the development web server with
hugo server -Dw
The flag D means ‘show files win draft mode as well’, the flag w means ‘watch’, i.e. live-reload.
After changing tags in a file under ‘post’
hugo server -Dw
needs to be restarted otherwise e.g.
will not show an updated list.
To deploy into the ‘public’ directory run
To create content
hugo new post/my-first-page.md
Then edit the file