How to use highlight shortcode with <!--more-->?

While writing a Hugo tutorial, I noticed that <!--more--> seems to disappear when using the highlight shortcode.

Here is an example:

{{< highlight md >}}
date: "2024-10-20T11:58:09+03:00"
draft: true
title: "Example"
{{</ highlight >}}

When this is rendered, <!--more--> disappears.

Is there a way to escape the more tag or is this a bug in the highlight shortcode? :thinking:

This is the manual summary delimiter. looks like that’s brute force deleted without considering any context. Happens also outside of a shortcode - so could be considered as a bug

You may as a workaround add a second delimiter somewhere but ofc this will affect the .Summary for that page

like this

# Page Content


{{< highlight md >}}
title: test
{{< /highlight >}}

or even in the code block

Page Content

{{< highlight md >}}
title: test
{{< /highlight >}}
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Thank you! It never came to my mind to use <!--more--> twice. This workaround solves my problem. My goal was have a highlight block that shows an example of how to manually define a summary using <!--more-->. That is why it was important to have it visible for the readers.

I added an issue for this: <!--more--> does not show inside highlight shortcode · Issue #12973 · gohugoio/hugo · GitHub

If your content format is Markdown, use a fenced code block instead of the highlight shortcode, and create a shortcode to insert the summary separator.


&lt;!--more--&gt;{{- /**/ -}}

{{< more >}}

foo `{{< more >}}` bar

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