How to target pages within cascades (config) according to a frontmatter parameter?

I mean to produce a different version of the site through a command line parameter, and an additional config:

hugo --minify --gc --config expurged-version.toml hugo.toml

But then I need to not render pages not made for the expurged version of the site. On the doc I can only target through kind, lang, and path. If I can’t, then I’ll have to rename the undesired files in the script.

Search open issues for “cascade”:

You will find:

I read that already, so I assume the answer is “you can’t (yet)” ? I should be asking: can you think of another way to do what I suggested ?

Yes, that’s why the issue is still open.

Content mounts. See the forum topic associated with the issue referenced above.

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But it would force me to separate files ok with the expurged version and those not in ok, in two different folders, right ?

Why don’t you try it?

No I’m not separating the content that way, just too bothersome. However… I can create empty versions of the undesired files, with a header asking for not building the file. Pretty counter-intuitive, creating a file not to render it, but it should overwrite the files with same names.
Works !! Thanks.

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