A glob-less cascade path doesn't find its target

The following should stop the page content/intro.md from being published and getting an url, yet it doesn’t:

source = "content/intro.md"
target = "content/_index.md"
render = 'never'
list = 'never'
path = '/intro'

What am I missing ?

I answered this question for you last week. My answer hasn’t changed; works with v0.123.0 and later.

For some reason the change hasn’t stuck. repo. But you’re free to ignore peasants who can’t configure SSH to pass on a bloody folder, now that password authentification has been shafted.
You can see your lines are identical:

source = "content"
target = "content"

source = "content/intro.md"
target = "content/_index.md"

list = 'never'
render = 'never'
path = '/intro'

list = 'never'
render = 'never'
path = '/docs/**'
kind = 'section'

Problem solved with version 0.123.8, no more unwanted /intro.html. Maybe due to that:

  • Fix section page resource not published if resource filename partially matches content file name 4271b6b @bep #12198