How to set up 410 redirect page

I have old pages that need to be removed so they won’t show up in google search. One of the suggested answers was to have a redirect 410 page instead of 404. I have* 410.html 410 in the _redurects file. and I have 410.html file. This didn’t seem to solve my problem. Is there anything I did wrong?

I assume you’re using Netlify Redirects?

Going by the examples in the docs, try removing the base URL, and see if that makes a difference.

/?product* 410.html 410

would the * include all the possible pages that start with /?product

Actually, per the query params section, the syntax must be different. I think something like:

/product/* 410.html 410


I think so.

so should I omit the question mark from /?product

See my previous reply, give that a try.

That didn’t seem to work.

Hmm, not sure then. You’ll need to review the query params docs (linked in a previous reply) and experiment with a few iterations

Also, try asking your question in the Netlify Gitter channel, they’ll likely be able to help you better.