I have tags added to both content page files and list page files.
In my taxonomy terms template I copied the following from https://gohugo.io/templates/taxonomy-templates/#example-list-all-site-tags:
{{ range .Site.Taxonomies.tags }}
<li><a href="{{ .Page.Permalink }}">{{ .Page.Title }}</a> {{ .Count }}</li>
{{ end }}
However, it doesn’t count the list pages. Is there a way to include _index.md
files with tags?
1 Like
February 12, 2020, 6:05pm
from my template
{{range site.Taxonomies.tags.Alphabetical}}
<a href={{ .Page.RelPermalink }} title="all pages with “{{.Page.Title}}” ">{{.Page.Title}} {{.Count}}
it is in layouts/tags/terms.html.html
Thanks. But it doesn’t solve my problem.
Actually I noticed the same issue at this theme: https://themes.gohugo.io/hugo-notepadium/
If you look at this file https://github.com/cntrump/hugo-notepadium/blob/master/exampleSite/content/post/_index.md
It has a fron matter “tags = [“index”]”
But this tag doen’t appear at the demo site https://themes.gohugo.io//theme/hugo-notepadium/tags/
I’m wondering whether this is possible at all.
February 13, 2020, 9:22am
my 2cents
tags/index/ is the list over all tags and not the list of pages with tag “index”, this is a side effect ??
tags = [“index”] is nonsense. same as left empty []
Sorry, maybe I’m not clear.
Lets’ say in this folder /content/post/
there are three files:
the _index.md
is tagged “intro”
the other two .md files are also tagged
How to include this _index.md
file in the taxnonomy? Currently the taxnomony term template and list template only show the tags of other two .md files, not the _index.md.
February 13, 2020, 10:00am
I tested it now, same in my site.
Post it as issue / error on https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues
Please consider upvoting the linked issue for increased visibility